
Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Best Revenge

"Truth is, the best revenge is seeking none at all and investing that energy in your own health and progress, prioritizing personal goals you’ve been neglecting, and working toward creating a healthy, happy and fulfilling life of your own."~Internal Acceptance Movement

In other words, just say


  1. Your I've been on a roll with great quotes :). I definitely have been trying to do this one for the past three years. I couldn't manage it when I was still in contact with my FOO.

    1. Judith, Being friends with Rev. Renee Pittelli on FB and a charter member of her Narcissistic Abuse Leaders' Summit sure helps! Plus, I check in with Internal Acceptance Movement often.
      I would have quit blogging altogether but Q, my brother by choice, has convinced me that I may actually be helping some people.

    2. You definitely help me (and sorry for the typo above where it should read: "you've been on a roll".)

  2. Absolutely it is the case that you, and many bloggers, and commenters, are helping lots and lots of people! And every one of you guys' blogs uniquely contribute insight in ways that are not interchangeable.-- quartz

    1. Quartz, finding the ACoN blogs, quite literally set me free! Prior to that, I thought my parents were sane and I was the one that was crazy.

  3. I like that - and your paraphrase.

  4. Not that it's intentional, but CBs hate this because they are not the center of attention and therefore, they do not exist. Moving on with your life is like saying "Bye" with a smile and handing them a gift wrapped turd.

  5. My mother subscribed to the philosophy of if at first you don't succeed try try a gun!
