
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

And now, the end is near...

The malignant narcissist who, throughout his life, has routinely raged against people and events he can't control, is finally faced with
the one thing he can't bully into submission...DEATH.

He rages against betrayal by his own body and the mask of charm and civility, usually reserved for "outsiders", rots away as he verbally abuses the professionals who are there to make his final days more comfortable. Some are reduced to tears by how unpredictable and nasty the "charming old man" they used to know has become.

I've always been fortunate enough to have my truth validated by my true family and close friends, but nothing quite beats the validation of objective professionals.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Boundaries will LITERALLY save your life!

"Boundaries are not selfish. They aren’t overindulgent or evidence that you’re too sensitive, and they aren’t weakness. Boundaries are conditions that allow you to take care of yourself; conditions that give you the means to survive and keep from sinking. They’re circumstances that honor your needs and respect your feelings. Limits that YOU get to decide on; limits that are inherently valid, regardless of how they compare to anyone else’s.

You deserve to create a space for yourself that feels safe and supportive. You deserve to exist under terms that don’t harm you; terms that allow your best self to come through. Even if other people don’t understand; even if it makes them feel angry or rejected or sad — your boundaries are necessary and they matter. Their needs matter too, and it’s not wrong to want to make shifts to accommodate both — but the truth is that you can’t take care of anyone else if your own needs aren’t being met. You don’t have to explain your boundaries. You don’t have to justify them, and you don’t need anyone’s approval. You need to believe that you’re someone worth taking care of, and you need to trust that if anyone is entitled to your protection and care, it’s you."
— Daniell Koepke (Internal Acceptance Movement)